Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Computer and the Camera have had an Argument!

Please pop over to Life at Blue Anchor Bay  where Jacqueline is celebrating a Coastal Christmas.  Jacqueline has gathered together lots of unusual summery gifts to blow away the cold winter blues.  Lovely things with links to where you can find other items.  Please, please take a look.

My camera and the computer seem to have had an argument, we are finding it very difficult to download photos.  We actually think its the computers fault, its bunged up.  We are not sure with what it is bunged up with but we need to delete files..........  Our computer is very old by computer standards but we love our computer.  It is circa 2003 so as you see quite old!  We are hoping to get the problem solved over the weekend.  But in the meantime please pop over to see Jacqueline's blog.


  1. Oh, I know all about the darn computer playing up, I really need a new one it keeps sending me messages saying no disc space, or no memory but I keep insisting that it keeps going for a bit longer, they are so expensive, but at the same time I couldn't be without one.
    My camera needs wiggling about now to get the pictures on and I panic every time the darn thing plays up so I feel for you Julie.
    Am going over to visit Jaqueline's blog right now.

  2. Your seagull looks great on Jacqueline's page :-) Hope you manage to get your computer sorted quickly. I know only too well how frustrating it can be when technology doesn't play ball xx

  3. Julie, thanks for the tip off about Jacquelines blog. She has some lovely things featured on there!


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