Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Just pottering!

Haven’t done much recently - been a bit put off by Blogger! I can’t leave messages on blogs that have ‘select profile’. So if you have this sort of comment box and I normally leave a comment please please don’t think me rude. I can leave comments if the owner approves the comment first and I can leave a message in a comment box like mine.

Saturday evening meal was Paella. The recipe is the Wartime Housewife's and very nice it was too although I did not have any Turmeric.
Out of three dozen scones I made on Sunday I had one nearly perfect one which was eaten while still warm from the oven! Oh....they weren't for us! My boss Janet asked me if I would make some for the Cat Protection Cream Tea. I said I didn't mind doing it as long as someone picked them up. Think they made over £300 Sunday afternoon.

Finishing off the Button Swap I joined. My partner Delia lives near me so hopefully we are meeting up on Saturday.

And making a Rag Doll for a certain little person's second birthday in August


  1. I too am seriously considering giving up on blogging till they get the problems sorted. I can't comment on all blogs, I can't sign out of my blog so can't sing into another one (in my case Postman's Knock) the fonts keep changing when I don't ask them to and until this afternoon when a follower told me how I couldn't get the spacing right either!

    Scones look great - I'd have eaten at least one too. Love the dolly.

  2. awww that doll looks precious x
    and your making my mouth water too hehe ;0)
    i know what you mean about select profile- i now select url or annom's as it lets me comment then just dont select google or you'll just keep going round in circles.
    i hope that helps x

    lovely post, great that your swapsie partner is close by x
    im still hoping a few of us could meet up ;0)

  3. Those scones look delicious!!
    It seems that blogger is playing up a lot at the moment!
    Hope you are keeping well ;-)x

  4. Those scones look delicious, I can't believe you only ate one!

    B xxx

  5. Having tried your way of baking sponges and found it so great, I now want to know how you get those scones so high, mine never rise that big. Is there a secret recipe?

  6. The scones look scrumptious! Isn't Blogger a nuisance at the moment. We never used to have all these problems with it!!! x

  7. Yum! I fancy one of those scones! You sure make good ones...

  8. I haven't had any problems with blogger... touch wood.... I hear lots of people have. The scones look lovely, well done for helping to raise so much cash :) x

  9. Oh but that scone does look perfect!


  10. Can I come for tea?!
    I've been having blogging problems too. Haven't been able to leave comments on most blogs. Funny fonts that I don't want. driving me bonkers!

  11. Those scones look delicious, I must get round to making some :)
    The dolly is gorgeous too, someone will be very happy :)
    Sue Xx

  12. Mmm scones... lovely!
    That doll looks so pretty, I think that certain little person will be very happy indeed with her.

  13. Can't believe Caitlin is already 2 years old this August, time really flies!
    I bet your scones were a great success!
    Thank you for entering my giveaway!

  14. Hello ;-)) I am just popping by a couple of blogs i have been a way it seems ages. Your scones look delicious. So looking forward to meeting you once my parents leave tomorrow i will be able to sort out what i need ;-)) take care and see you soon. dee xxxx

  15. Thank you so much for your lovely comments, it is really appreciated! Love Annie xx

  16. Blogger has been a right royal pain recently hasnt it?

    The scones look delicious - Im hoping to go for a walk later rounded off by a cream tea!

    Enjoy your Sunday, Helenxx

  17. Love your blog!

    Hope you don't mind but I have awarded you the 'Versatile Blogger' award! M x


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