Monday 6 May 2013

Lilies Day - 20 and Sunday with really lovely friends

I think I will have to say goodbye......... they were lovely whilst they sat in the vase.  Their white petal glittering the sunshine as it shone through the window.  Their smell was out of this world.

But all is not lost

I still have these three for a while longer.  They were the last three to bloom.


I had one special gift for my birthday.  Our friends David and Jane asked me what I would like for my birthday.  Well I have got to the stage where I wasn't really sure what I wanted, so I said I would like an M&S voucher, I would add the rest and cook it we will have one of their meals for two for £10 but buying two lots.  So yesterday afternoon was wonderful,  Lovely friends and not much cooking for Sunday lunch which We rarely have these days!  We normally have a fish and chip supper with these friends

I also made a cake the recipe can be found here


  1. Those flowers have been terrific value - I threw my latest bunch of lillies out 2 days ago, they had lasted 3 weeks.

    Isnt it lovely when the birthday celebrations just keep on going?


  2. Belated Happy Birthday to you, love the marble cake.
    I know exactly what you mean about not knowing what you would like for your Birthday, I never know. They wouldn't understand that I would love a bit of fabric or a few buttons. lol
    The lilly saga was amazing.


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