Does anyone know what happened to September? I haven't been round blogland much. I haven't really been making - in fact I really haven't done much. I have sorted loads of old magazines some pre-dating the year 2000. They were all cross-stitch magazines, I put about twenty bags of magazines and another load with hardback cross-stitching books on our local freecycle. They were snapped up, I think because the people collecting them thought they were getting a bargain! Well they were, but you cannot sell cross-stitch books at the local bootfair for even 20p here so I decided just to give them away! They have gone and I feel better for it - it is amazing how I felt so much better for getting rid of things - it did actually feel like a weight had lifted - so more stuff is going to go!
Now I wonder................ no I best not if I want to stay happily married! They are the collection of 78 rpm records, there is even two piles behind the Iceland carrier, In the Iceland carrier are the Christmas 78 rpm. I cleared out the cupboard where I kept the magazines, guess where these have gone......! Nothing stays empty for long in this house!
It was wet, dull and dismal yesterday, so yesterday afternoon I made Peggoty. She is a dolly-peg (clothes spin) Dressed in white, with a light green shawl. She will be put in my shop soon, when I have finished a sister or two.
I made pie.
Apple and Blackberry.
We still have Blackberries at the bottom of the garden
We still have Blackberries at the bottom of the garden
I am still stitching
Still knitting
Mr Robin has been sitting on the tree branch singing for a mate - nice to see him back in the garden.