Friday, 30 November 2012

Advent Calendars

Its 1st December tomorrow which means we open doors on the advent calendar!
I used to love opening each door to see what the little picture that was hidden behind.  I don't think the chocolate Advent calenders was heard of in the sixties.

Anyway would anybody like to join me in posting a  christmassy picture everyday on their blog as if it were an Advent calender.  It could be a wintry scene, it could be just a picture of a Christmas card, anything leading up to 24th December.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again

Somehow I don't thinks Spain want's it either, as it says in this historical nursery rhyme.

1976 Denis Howell was a appointed minister for Weather, the following day (I do remember the month was September) the heavens opened!  At the beginning of this year all we heard on the news was the word "drought" well you would think common sense would prevail and not mention this word because there has been nothing but dull days - OK there may have been a few sunny days thrown into the mix but most days were dull!  Is there a Sun Dance we could all do?  There must be one, we have all heard of a Rain Dance so there must be one for the sun - isn't there..............?

I should have done this post yesterday but somehow yesterday ran away with me after doing various jobs and defrosting the freezer and putting the stuff back in some sorted fashion at ten o'clock last night!  

Top of my road looking down
We took a walk around a couple of roads where we live early on Sunday morning.  We actually live on the top of a hill, and there is an actual stream that runs down our road starting on the left-hand side coming down from the hills then weaves its way through the back-gardens of the houses on the right and goes back to the left side at the bottom of the road then continues underground through town to the sea. 

Someones cat watching the fast flowing water
Late Saturday night the water flowing past our house was ankle deep.  
Nothing compared with what some people are going through.  

Children having fun with a dinghy and a rather large puddle
Back outside our house looking up the road

Nothing to do with this post but I would like to wish our middle son Happy 30th Birthday today

and to say don't forget to take a look at my other blog sites all links are here or on side panel

Thursday, 22 November 2012

November Flowers

Immediately after I published my last blog post our computer crashed in a spectacular fashion!  It didn't just crash it CRASHED!  Nothing could be done to save it.  Luckily 95% of the stuff saved was on an external driver so not all was lost, but this saved stuff cannot run without programmes, but I did loose all my email addresses, so if you read this and we email sometimes please could you email me.  Anyway, here all day and no computer, I don't mind if I am not in the house, or I stay with my dad I don't hanker after the computer but I do when I am here and whats more I prefer this computer it is large takes up a lot of room with the scanner and the printer which I use quite a lot, and Adobe programme and its - wells its cuddly and a real old friend.  Alex went out and bought a laptop, new to us but a secondhand laptop which has the google  "vista" on it.  The programmes I use do not run on vista, so we gritted our teeth and ran the clean-up disc and then everything was GONE!  Programmes had to be reloaded, so discs had to hunted out from the place they were stored because we didn't think we needed them, it took a week to reload everything, well the reloading didn't take a week it was "outlook express" I like outlook express, it is easy to use and very easy to attach attachments, what we didn't realise was that if the laptop was up and running, it pinched all my emails and nothing came through on this computer, I was getting more and more annoyed until Alex said close down the laptop and wait and watch, and low and behold my emails came though on this computer, so now I am one happy person I have my old friend back! The computer needed a good clear out anyway just one of those things we never got around too, it still had games on from when our boys were here!

These roses have nothing to do with the computer crashing, the were in the garden,and have been trying to flower since the beginning of October, but it is now the middle of November, so I thought it was about time they were plucked and bought indoors, anyway I cannot see them from my windows.

Looking at them in this photo they look half dead but assure you they came out in the warmth of the house.

I made these felt flowers

and these woolly ones too.  I will be putting them in my shop soon when my friend Jane has seen them as she wanted to purchase a couple of bunches for Christmas presents

Monday, 12 November 2012

Think I am back on the right path.........

..............I think I know where I am going.............

You all have been so kind since this blog post, I have had lovely email conversations with lots of lovely people, you all know who you are so big thank you.  At the moment everything is feeling positive but I do know things can change.  The other day Bella contacted me to see if I would like a painting of Magnolias she had recently painted as I had left her a comment and also put it on one of my pinterest boards, and another lady contacted me over the weekend out of the blue and asked me if I would like some more of these to add to my collection.

As readers of this blog have seen, I have been working from the vintage magazines recently.  I have created two and half cushion covers and a bag.  I try and use the colours of the original designs just to preserve the colours of the time, but sometimes I will change colours as the bag should have been made from a hessian sack.  This blog is where I will put all my "vintage" makes because I felt they needed to be separate from everything else - please become a follower........  I have decided to put my knitting, crochet, embroidery and tatting skills to good use (they have been in the wilderness for far too long) and with the vintage patterns......... 

May I offer you my card.........?

..........and if this doesn't work out well at least I have tried!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

We will remember them

I thought I would remember them with this patroitic WW1 song.