Monday, 11 August 2014

Birthday and Balloons

What was nana thinking giving me clothes........?

It was our grand-daughter's fifth birthday yesterday, but other arrangements for both her and us had been made so went the week before.  
She carefully unpacked al her goodies from the Peppa Pig bag carefully avoiding two dresses which were put on the top of the goodies.


This weekend Alex and I went to stay with our eldest son and daughter-in-law in Bristol.
I have always wanted to see the balloons, not necessarily go to see the take off but just to see them fly, but because they are weather dependent it is actually fifty-fifty whether you get to see them.  But Saturday morning we saw them in the distant, so hurriedly dressing and getting the car at 6.30 am Michael drove us to a vantage point to see the balloons ascending over Bristol, we thought we may go back to see them in the evening but the weather had other ideas!


  1. Hope your grand daughter like the other items in her bag! Those balloons must have been something to see and wasn't it lucky that only the last day was affected by the weather in the end?

  2. Wonderful pictures of the balloons! I love to see them if I get the chance too. Your little grand daughter ignoring the clothes gifts made me smile :) lucky you put other things in the bag too!
    Happy week, Julie.
    Helen xox

  3. We used to see the balloons go over my brothers house near Bath as we were always there this time of year. I love the different shapes and sizes they come up with.

  4. Fabulous pics of the balloons, my dad had a balloon ride once for a special birthday... he loved it! You wouldn't get me up there lol.

  5. Happy birthday to your grand daughter, our little ones love Pepper Pig. I have not been to the ballon festival in years, we always loved the early morning accent. Always do many balloons in the sky at once, thanks for the photos and memories

  6. Lovely balloon pictures, they look so good against the perfect blue sky. Have never been up in one and I'm sure I'd rather watch from the ground!

  7. How funny the same thing happened to me last March when I arrived in Australia bearing gifts for my granddaughter and her younger brother. She wanted toys not clothes and was desperately disappointed. Learnt my lesson now. xx

    1. The dress she has on in the picture is new put on especially but by the end of the afternoon she had to wear one of the new ones!
      There was a mixture of toys and colouring books only two dresses

  8. Lovely photo of your grand daughter unpacking her bag! I would love to have seen the balloons but would have hated to go in one!!! x

  9. There's just something so magical about a hot air balloon.

    Happy birthday to your granddaughter :)

  10. Happy belated birthday wishes to you granddaughter. There is something special about air balloons great photo's. dee x


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