Wednesday 12 May 2010

Craft Fair it isn't!

Sunday morning I had to get up at an unearthly hour to be dragged along to the
National VintageCommunications Fair! I was not happy but then I do drag him to
craft fairs and the like! At one point I did take control though as one member was acting like a naughty school boy and throwing a wobbly because of "elf and safety" rules, his boxes of many many magazine stuck out to far in the gangway. I told him if he didn't behave he would have to sit on the seat and man the stall all day!!!!

We would love to own a dog like Nipper - he is the icon for HMV

When we returned home after a three hour drive, I opened the back door only to find the bird feeder in the middle if the lawn. Just because we went away for a couple of days does not mean the birds can have fun and play with their food!

This Wood Pigeon has decided this is his dining table,
and occasionally allows other birds to feed from it.


  1. awww bless you. you did really well ;0)xx....evryone to their own interest hehe...My dad is an ornathologist? not sure of the spelling...he has produced quite a few books in his life time- now a retired a child going out with him was mainly spent in bird huts being told 'to be quiet' hehe...while he spent hours gazing at birds (the feathered kind!).
    Luckily being a twin- myself and sis would always make dens and play hide 'n' seek while my father followed his passion!....i should really know alot about birds- but im still very basic when it comes to birds...though i love watching them now. I think your birdies have realised that by dropping the nut container over the grass means easier access to nuts hehe x

  2. The things we do for love! I remember ging round model engineer shows with my dad, the smell of oil and apple shaped men in boiler suits.


  3. Lol - I have done my fair share of steam railways and model engineering shows too!! A great place to "people-watch"!!

  4. Ha ha! Well I suppose it is only fair for you to be dragged along!
    We have some black collared doves and wood pidgeons and they are getting friendlier and friendlier. They let me walk very close to them now, and today one sat on the washing line looking into the living room window. I love seeing them! suzie xxx

  5. It could have been the pesky squirrels that carried off the bird feeder.. they are a determined lot!

    Michele x


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