Sunday 4 January 2009

Back to work on Monday!

Friday 2nd January Alex and I went to my dads making deliveries on the way. I delivered thank you cards to Jane and Janice and cross-stitch to Denise, then Alex had to stop off at the museum to take a repaired 50’s record player back which was for sale.

The sun at 8.30 am on Friday 2nd January was bright orange and very low in the sky,
we were heading for the motorway!
The museum is in part of a mini Zoo as well as being a BBC Radio Transmitting Station.
Even the drainpipes at the Radio Station has the BBC insignia

These two parrots saw me trying to take photos through the fences!

They must be so used to having there photos taken they squawked as I turned to walk away
and as I turned again I saw then sitting together as if to say well aren't you going to take
another one now we are sitting together..........................

The trees on the motorway on the Somerset side were white with frost
over the border in Devon it was if the frost never got that far!

When we arrived at Dads about eleven the sun was shining and his washing was on the line dry! We had lunch and had a few more Christmas presents.

Michael and Lizzie came brought the last of the presents,
they should have come last weekend.
Back to work tomorrow!
This year there are a lots of things I want to do,
need to do, must do!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, I am due to start crochet classes again next Tuesday. I hope it moves on a bit to be honest, because I usually end up sitting there with my book doing my own thing! Happy New Year, by the way.
    Hen x


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