Sunday 28 September 2008

Biscuit anyone...........

My freind gave me this book as a gift for feeding the cats
as the title says they are very easy to make
and are very tasty to eat


  1. Looks like my sort of book. Now whose cats can I feed, apart from my own 4?

  2. kc!
    have i understand correctly?
    for the cats? and how do you know they are tasty? have you tried them too?
    i'm sorry, i have never had a pet of my own..can you both eat the same cookies?
    bigbig kisses

  3. Hi Vivi - I fed my friends cats while she was on holiday for two eeks - the book was gift for doing that. The biscuits are for humans only!

  4. ah lol
    i did missunderstand you..
    the cookies look tasty..but i couldn't imagine you were eating cookies with the cats
    i love baking cookies with my daughter, we could share some fav recipes if you want ;)
    thanks for the patience with my english

  5. There are some recipes on my blog!
    Take a to share recipes :)!


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