Sunday, 7 September 2008

Bakewell Tart.........

..................Or Bakewell Pudding as it should be known.

Pastry - 4 ozs (100 grms) Flour, 2 ozs (50 grms) Butter, Water

Rub the butter into the flour till it resembles breadcrumbs, add spoonfuls of water and mix till the flour mixture gathers up. Leave to rest for about 15minutes, then roll out to fit dish (I use the lid of a casserole dish) and cook blind for about 20 minutes 180 degrees, gas 4. Leave to cool for a few minutes then line the bottom with Jam.

Top - weigh two Eggs and then weigh, Butter, Sugar and Ground Almonds to the same weight.

Beat the Butter and Sugar together till pale in colour, beat the eggs then add gradually till all mixed in, fold in the Ground Almonds. Put the Almond mixture on top of the jam Sprinkle a few Flaked Almonds on the top (I didn't have any) and cook again for about 30 to 40 mins 180 degrees Gas 4.

Leave to cool, then enjoy with custard, cream or as it is!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this - I shall copy the recipe and make it when I come home. Thank you for sharing it.


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