Sunday 30 November 2014

Advent Calendar

There is a list on the sidebar of the blogs that are joining in this years 
It's not too late if you would like to join in too..........

Would anybody like to join me again in putting twenty-four little Christmas pictures on their blog as if it were an Advent Calender?

Monday is 1st December which means we start opening doors on the advent calendar!  Do any of you remember Advent calenders without chocolate?  I used to love opening each door to see what the little picture that was hidden behind.  
Chocolate Advent calenders were quite expensive in the sixties, that is if they even existed then!

Would anybody like to join in posting a christmassy picture everyday from 1st December to 24th December on their blog as if it were an Advent calender.  It could be a wintry scene, it could be just a picture of a Christmas card, anything leading up to 24th December.  There are lots of Christmas pictures online, or it could be something from YouTube, or just a Christmas picture of your own

It would be lovely if lots of people can join in........... Just leave a comment and I will list you all who are joining in.


1) You don't have to follow this blog if you would like to join in but would be rather nice if you were.....

2) Put a photo of something christmassy on your blog everyday from 1st to 24th December.  
This can be from the computer, You Tube, or your own personal pictures.

3) Have fun choosing pictures and go and see what others have put


  1. Just checked my link and it is working fine :)


  2. Just hope I'll remember to open the doors every morning! xx

  3. Only just realised you are doing this. Must have been asleep under a stone for the last week! Much fun. Xx


Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I read every single one!