Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Just a Reminder

The Great British Seaside Swap

If you would like to join in add your names below. 
There are not many rules:~

1) You have to be a follower of my blog
2) Five items
3) The theme is the SEASIDE *


I have two copies of this book.  My friend Jane gave me a copy for my birthday back in April. 
So if you would like a copy please leave you name below. Draw will take place on 1st August.*

* please let me know which you would like to be entered in otherwise I will put your name into both 'hats'!


  1. Looking forward to this swap :)

  2. I would love to join in the Seaside swap, put my name down please!

    Sandie xx


Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I read every single one!