Monday, 25 April 2011

Our Easter Weekend

This weekend has been absolutely wonderful weather-wise, lets hope it continues for a good while - does anyone remember the summer of 1976 - I was working in the West End of London at my very first job then but that is another story for another day!

Good Friday we got up early and did the Tesco run - we were in the shop quite early to beat the crowds we were home and the shopping put away by ten!

I made some cup-cakes using this recipe and I cut the marzipan into tiny pieces, in fact it was what was left-over from the the previous cake.

I made some potato cakes made from left-over mash potato from the night-before and we had them with sausages and bake beans!

I read a lot of blogs that are being frugal, and save money and pass on tips so I thought I would show you some of my tips............

I use clothes pegs to close packets in the freezer and cupboards for packets of pasta and rice and biscuits

French Bread grated for breadcrumbs and freeze and these can be used from frozen

Because we live in a soft water area, I just use one tablet of soap powder so the box lasts me twice as long

I stand the washing up liquid upside down to get that last drop

and the shampoo bottle!

On Saturday Peter and Steph and children visited - Peter was roped in again to re-roof the shed, again!

Liam in the shade

Caitlin and mummy enjoying a book after playing with water

On Sunday Michael and Lizzie spent the day with us

Monday I completed a bit more stitching for Helen for the Bustle & Sew Magazine

Planted Petunias in the hanging basket

Sweet Williams in the tub

Sweet peas in the chimney

Waiting for the Lettuces to grow

Admiring the wallflowers

David and Jane popped round with a Clematis for me to put in my garden

Thank you. They joined us for a cuppa in the garden

Now back to work for three days and we do it all again next weekend

Hope the weather stays the same Robert and Anneka are coming then!


  1. Loving the bunting and those fairy cakes look yum.

  2. It lookslike you have been very busy. Beautiful embroidery! x

  3. your family are adorable- bet you so loved to have them there enjoying the fun in the garden ;0)
    glad you've had a lovely easter...your recipes always make me hungry!! hehe ;-) yum yum!

    p.s my frugal tip is toothpast tubes cutting them at the bottom and dipping your tooth brush in- extra weeks tooth paste x

  4. What a lovely weekend you have had! I loved seeing your very pretty embroidery and perfect cupcakes! It is lovely to spend family time in the sunny garden - let's hope for the same next weekend.
    Helen x

  5. aawww looks like you had such a lovely weekend. I did smile at your clothes pegs that's what i do as well ;-) And tip the bottles up to..waste not want not as they say ;-)Your embroidery looks really pretty. Have a lovely week, dee x

  6. You have been busy! Love the embroidery. Enjoy the week!

  7. What a fab post. Looks like you really made the best of the gorgeous weather like us :-)
    A x

  8. Great money saving tips! I do the same. Have a lovely weekend. lizzie

  9. I love your stitching - it looks like you had a busy weekend - hope the coming one is as good!

    Pomona x


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