Alex went into Town to do a couple of chores, but on his return decided that the front tyres really weren't up to a motorway trip so off back to town. 30 minutes and £73 later we were ready to go, we just needed to call into Tescos to get some petrol using that 5p off voucher. Unfortunately we had forgotten it's changeover day at Butlins and Tescos was under siege. We decided we had enough petrol to get to Williton, and filled up there. On the road to Bridgwater, one damn Tractor after another but never mind we would soon be on the Motorway zooming along in the sunshine. Except that no sooner had we got up to speed when we started to slow down again and then to a stop, minor shunt up ahead. We eventually got going and the trusty Sat-Nav sent us on our way, up the A370. Never mind it must know what it's doing. We ended up in Bristol Town Centre so we might just as well gone our usual way. Still a nice day and no harm done. Picked up a key from Michael (Eldest) and ordered a Taxi for 5.30 which duly arrived in time. What we didn't bargain for was the the Taxi driver didn't know where the Theatre was and got lost! No need to panic as we had a spare 1/2 hour and a few pushes on the pad of the Taxis SatNav and there we were.
What's at this leading up to I hear you cry. Well, we had come to see a comedy hero of ours, John Cleese who was doing a Charity Night in favour of the Zoo. We saw him and Chris Searle in the Theatre and it was very entertaining the best bit however was the champagne reception afterwards where we were able to meet and greet the Maestro. Robert hadn't bought a ticket for himself but could stand not meeting JC so he persuaded the organizers to let him in after crossing their palms with the appropriate silver.
It was great. John Cleese took time to speak to us personally and where Robert told him he scared people for a living John Cleese said that was the most interesting job he had heard of for a long time!
A fascinating occasion sure to remain in the memory for a long time.

Robert and John Cleese
Lucky you. I'm glad you enjoyed the whole experience.