Do you remember counting the hours as you blew the fluffy seed heads off Dandelion stalk. You counted the number of blows for the number of hours - or if they blew towards you from somewhere they were called fairies!
Today is May Bank Holiday Saturday or Whit sun Weekend!
Got woken at seven this morning by some woman shouting at next door's dog after it escaped from the garden and went after her small dog being walked on a lead. The dog on the lead was better behaved than the owner, next door called his dog in and the loose dog which is all noise and no bite went in after the first call the woman carried on shouting at the owner who I think ignored her. The dog on the lead just wanted to keep going homeward bound!
The usual Saturday shopping expedition to the local Tescos. But now shopping takes on a whole new life. Now you see husbands with shopping list in one hand and mobile phone in the other ringing respective wives - the conversation goes something like "Hello dear - there are three variety of frozen chips, there are the chunky ones and the offer of what looks like the thin ones buy one and and get one half price and the waffles, don't we normally have those?" Well if you think you normally have those why don't you use your head and buy them, the wife is probably at home having a quiet moment away from that particular weekly chore! Me, I prefer to see what I am buying! And like this morning I check my till receipt. (I don't do it every week - it is just that the vouchers would not go through properly) The offer 3 for 2 was buy any cucumber, tomatoes or peppers. Well they hadn't changed the computer in the offices because the gentleman on the till had to ring for a price check of the tomatoes (I did not have the peppers but they weren't priced either) the said item was then added as produce! No three for two offer. After paying I promptly went to the complaints desk and the face on the woman who saw me arriving at said desk said it all! She did return my 97p. for the cucumber but I wonder how many other shoppers passed through tills and not notice the item was not on their till receipt? And then I discovered they hadn't put my green points on for the bag re-use by which time it was too late to go back!
The weather doesn't really know what it wants to do, I just want to know if I should cut the grass or not! The wind is getting stronger which is usually a sign for rain, I think I'll just continue to watch the film 'The Englishman Who Went up a Hill, but Came Down a Mountain' and decide after that! Perhaps another cup of tea won't come amiss either..........but despite the wind which is getting stronger we have decided to mow the lawn. It took an hour to do so with both of us working. For some reason the box on the mower will not pick up the long grass that has just been cut only the short bits, so each of us took turns to mow or rake the grass, three black sacks of mown grass later, the grass is now cut. Watching my husband massacre a four foot high Perennial Sow-thistle was a sight to be seen - I don't know what the plant had done to him but he went at it with a shovel like a man possessed! Now for a sit down and back to watching yet another film and another cuppa - well I think we deserve it this time - mmmmmmmmm! I wonder who is going to make it?
I think this evening I will go back to my cross stitch, but I really want to start something else, but I cannot have too many things on the go because nothing will get finished. I have on the go at the moment my Millennium Sampler, Costume Sampler, Crochet Blanket (a friend asked me to crochet because she did not understand the American terminology). This month I have restored a piece of church lace, re-strung a coral necklace for a customer in the shop - that took me five hours, made a dolls house sampler which said "Home Sweet Home" (see 22 May). I want to do some bobbin lace, fine filet crochet (I now have the bug for crochet again) make two more quilts and I promised to make some book marks for friend for a church fete but that is August but it will soon be here!
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