Sunday 27 November 2011

Happy Birthday ~ Merry Christmas ~ Bon Voyage..............

Happy Birthday to our son Robert 29years old yesterday

Robert (centre) with his two brothers
year we had three boys in three diffrent schools!

The reason for the said title.  We all got together yesterday, well it is only four weeks to the big day, Robert and Anneka are off on a six month sabatical on 20th December to Asia and Australia.  So we thought we would start Christmas early!
Caitlin and Laim were allowed early Christmas present too!

Whilst everyone was together we took another family photograph

Just thought I would add a footnote.......
This morning was just like Boxing Day -
all quiet and all over!!!

Friday 25 November 2011

Thank you

Just a post to say a big thank you for all of the lovely comments I was left after Wednesdays post.  I also had a lovely enail too. 

I still cannot find the infiltrater on my follow list (the blogs I follow - but I will!)  and the two blogs I really don't want following me have been blocked, but they can still see me, that is the bit I do not like.........

So once again a very big thank you.  I am going to draw a line underneath it all and just "Keep Calm & Carry On!"

Wednesday 23 November 2011

I am Not Very Happy...........

In fact I am quite ANGRY!

I posted my first post on 31st December 2007 I was so proud of my first post!  I wasn't sure if I would keep on blogging but I have and feel so pleased with myself!  NOW I am quite Cross!  I have never had any nasty comments, and I certainly wouldn't leave any on any ones blog, but I have discovered I have two followers that I really do not want to associate myself with, and someone has also infiltrated my followers list.  I have carefully looked through the list and clicked the stop following button on who I thought it was, but this particular blog has turned up twice since (this blog doesn't seem to have any followers and I don't want to leave a comment  or send a email asking them to go away as I don't want to get into a conversation with them).  All this has happened since blogger went wrong in the summer, when I completely lost my blog for about a fortnight.   

I have been thinking of changing the name of my blog which means I am going to have to start from scratch, I don't really want to do that, or just change the name of my blog and hope these two do not notice.  Some people say it can be unlucky to change the name of something, but I think I am may to have to.  I am still happy to leave blog open to everyone, and I will not be moderating the comments (I can't at the moment it affects my husbands email address for some reason!).

I will give it till the end of the year and see what happens...................

Sunday 20 November 2011

Two things!

One ~ Can anyone help me find out how to find the "Google Analytics Identifier"  Field Number for Folksy.  Aparantly this tell you (me) how many people have viewed an item in my shop.  Also is anybody else finding them remarkably slow?


Two ~ Have you noticed,  that Blogger now displays blog photographs in a new way, well if you go here Jan will tell you how you can return it back to the old way!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sunday 13 November 2011

Well they say its good for you!


Give this to me as a child and I would turn my nose up at it!  We now have porage more or less every morning during the winter.  Our sons weren't impressed by it, but the younger one liked it occasionally especially if he was desperately hungry!  He even would make it himself when a teenager.  I cook it in the microwave, I burn the bottom of the pan when making it in the saucepan!  Start it the night before, but if not try and soak the porage for a least half and hour in a large bowl/jug in milk.  (I make it with all milk). 

For two people ~
Put one measuring cup of  Porage Oats in a microwavable bowl/jug (about 3ozs).  Cover with two cups milk (3 quarters of a pint)  Either leave overnight in the fridge, or prepare about thirty minutes before cooking.  Microwave for 5 minutes medium high power (I would experiment with your microwave timings because I found each microwave is different).  This amount of time works for us.  Add sugar one rounded tablespoon sugar.  Add sugar to taste.  I know you should have salt - never quite fancied that!!  Do not add sugar before microwaving or the person who cooks it cleans the microwave! 

I like mine with a little grated Nutmeg.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Vintage Needlework Magazine

I already have a copy of this little magazine, which would have been quite expensive at the time.
I love the clear illustraions
My other copy cost £2, this copy was a real bargain and in far better condition too.
This copy cost all of 10p both from charity shops!

Friday 11 November 2011

We will remember them!

At the11th Hour on the 11th Day of the 11th Month

The Soldier

If I should die, think only this of me:

That there's some corner of a foreign field

That is for ever England. There shall be

In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,

Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,

A body of England's, breathing English air,

Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away,

A pulse in the eternal mind, no less

Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;

Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;

And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,

In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.


By Rupert Brook 1887 1915

last sonnet written1914

Sunday 6 November 2011

I knew there was a reason.........

As to why I delayed in making my Christmas Cake.

On Friday morning while I was waiting for a friend to go for coffee with.  The charity shop had just opend its door, (the only one which opens early on a Friday for Farmers Market trade).  While I was waiting for Jill I went in and had a look just to see what they had definitely not intending to buy anything but on the shelf were these cake tins for £5 as you see never been used, twenty years ago I had the large ring and tray from an offer from a magazine for twice that which I still have!

I fitted in two large round cake cases into the medium size ring

and made my Christmas Cake.  This year I soaked the fruit in the Brandy the day before and everytime I passed the bowl gave the fruit a stir.  I also added a few Cranberrys and Dried Pineapple.  I do not add nuts anymore as my DIL is allergic to them.

My Version

Weight of 4 eggs in
Butter, Muscavado Sugar, Self Raising Flour + one extra ounce of flour

1lb  Mixed fruit (doesn’t have to be accurate near enough will do)

1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

1 tsp Mixed Spice

4 oz Glace Cherries
3 Large Tablespoons of Brandy

Cream together the butter and sugar and eggs till very pale in colour.

Mix all of the dry ingredients fruit together and then add to the mixture.

Fold in gently.

Add the Brandy and stir in gently

Bake in a warm oven, 140°C (gas mark 1) for about 3 hours,

Test after about 2hours

Original Receipt

Weight of 4 eggs in
Butter, Muscavado Sugar, Plain Flour

Plus 1/2 teaspoon of Baking powder
1oz of Ground Almonds

1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

1/2 tsp Mixed Spice

6 oz Currants

6 oz Sultanas

6 oz Raisins

6 oz Mixed Candied Peel

4 oz Glace Cherries
2oz Blanched Almonds
Brandy, Port or Rum
Cream together the butter and sugar and eggs till very pale in colour.

Add the eggs one at a time slowly.

Mix all of the dry ingredients together and then add to the mixture.

Finally add the brandy, rum or port and fold in gently.

Bake in a warm oven for about 3 hours, test after about 2hours

Thursday 3 November 2011

600th Post

My 600th post! 
I wanted to celebrate this post with something else, but that will have to stay a mystery for a while longer!  Here are a some pics of my other makes!

Well I didn't make this!  I found it basking in the winter sunshine on one of my towels.  If anybody knows what it is please tell..........

I made this Apple Crumble with apples I was given.
I use butter and demerara sugar for the crumble it gives a shorbread taste!

I made these brooches

and these Christmas items