Friday 31 October 2008


.......the night when the dead are said to rise from their graves,
witches and goblins are thought to be at their most active.
The time for mishief making and magic!

A traditional Hallowe'en decoration is a Pumpkin or Turnip lantern head.
To make a Pumpkin or Turnip head slice of the top and and scoop out the
flesh. The cut a face into the skin and put a candle inside

From ghoulies and ghosties and long legged beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
(Cornish prayer)

Thursday 30 October 2008

I wonder........

........what next door's cat is creeping up on?

Wednesday 29 October 2008


...................are there two china ornaments in amongst the food?
This is a picture from one of my old recipe books from the late fifties!

Tuesday 28 October 2008

An unnecessary frippery!

I bought this umbrella when I went back into the workplace
after a fifteen year gap about ten years ago.
I don't normally buy unnecessary fripperies,
but I seem to remember I just had to have it!

Monday 27 October 2008


This bright yellow Gerbera brightens up any dull cold day!

Sunday 26 October 2008


One of our local views

Saturday 25 October 2008

Friday 24 October 2008

Neck of Lamb Casserole

2 Necks of Lamb - Cut into cubes
1 Onion (Red or White) - Slice
Dessert Spoonful of Italian Herbs
(or Herbs of your Choice)
Mushrooms (optional) -Slice or quarter
Tin of Tomatoes
Water - when you have emptied the tin of tomatoes
fill the tin once with water
Put all ingredients in a casserole dish and cover, and place in oven
170 degrees centigrade, Gas 3 and leave for about 4hours
Serve with mash potatoes and peas
(Tip: add a little grated nutmeg to mash potatoe)

Thursday 23 October 2008


Magpie finding the bread I have thrown out for the little birds!

Wednesday 22 October 2008

More flowers!

More knitted flowers and some felt flowers I have made!
They are all brooches!
My boss decided she rather liked the red and pink flower
with blanket stitch edge so she is now the proud owner of that one!

Tuesday 21 October 2008

The Secret Garden!

My collection of Porcelain brooches,
I collected these from boot fairs!

Monday 20 October 2008

Let's make some flowers..............

Knitted Flower
I have put the patterns below for anyone to use,
but please only for personal use.
Please do not use it for commercial use.
4ply wool and 2.5 Knitting Needles
Abbrieviations - K = Knit, P = Purl, YON = Yarn Over Needle,
K2Tog = Knit Two Together
Cast on one stitch
Row 1 - K1, P1, K1 into same stitch (3 Stitches)
Row 2 - and every other row purl or knit
(I purled as in picture above)
Row 3 - K1, YON, K1, YON, K1 (5 Stitches)
Row 5 - K2, YON, K1, YON, K2 (7 Stitches)
Row 7 - K3, YON, K1, YON, K3 (9 Stitches)
Continue this way until 19 Stitches, knit row 2
Next row K2Tog at each end of row, knit row 2
Continue this way until 3 stitches are left on needle, knit row 2,
Next row K2Tog K1,
Next row Knit K2Tog
Make five petals

Crochet Flower

4ply wool and 4mm Crochet Hook
Abbreviations - DC = double crochet, DTreble = Double Treble (Made as follows, yarn over hook twice put hook through loop yarn over hook once, pull back through loop, *yarn over hook pull through two loops, *repeat twice more)
Make 8 chain and join into ring with slip stitch
Round 1 - 6 chain, 1 double into ring, *5chain, one DC into ring. Repeat from * until 20 loops, join with slip stitch.
Round 2 - 5 chain, 9 DTrebles into first loop, *10 DTrebles into next loop. *repeat 18 more times, join with slip stitch
These can be turned into brooches.
Most craft shop sell brooch backs

Sunday 19 October 2008

I'm back blogging!

Thanks to number one son the computer has revived! It "just" needed a 30 minute phone call with Alex being given line by line instructions in DOS (remember that!) to sort it out. Apparently the problem was caused by it not shutting down completely or some such. All very technical, but it sorted out the problem thank goodness.

Today although the grass being quite damp
we thought we would cut it so it wouldn't
get too long during winter.
We may even get another cut in before the winter sets in!


Me thinks a diet is sheduled!

Alex decided to help me

sometimes I grass cut on my own,

whichever way it takes about an hour to

cut the back lawn

Number three son brought these large pots home from work for me.

He thought I might like them - of course I like them!

I think I might grow vegetables in them next year!

Comes to something when you have to weed the compost bag!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

No Blog again!

This sorry elderly computer is on its last legs and it has taken all night and a lot of cussing, the air is vergin on PURPLE just to get this far! This might be my last blog for a while till we get the poor thing fixed or put out of its misery, but I will continue to take photographs. Even the keyboard is giving up, I have had to go backwards to fill in the mssing letters! I dare not try and put a photograph on because of its delicate state.

Sunday 12 October 2008


I find cobwebs fascinating!
This one has been spun like an
infinity tunnel

Saturday 11 October 2008


Sunset on the way home from visiting dad in Okehampton

Friday 10 October 2008

Very dramatic!

The sky at 6pm this evenng!
Very dramatic - blue and shades of grey
I wonder what the weather will bring?

Thursday 9 October 2008

Pictures can be made from anything.

I made this picture from my
diamante collection of jewellery,
stitched or pinned to green taffeta.
Many pieces were picked up from
boot fairs!

Wednesday 8 October 2008

This is what happens.......

.........You go to the weekly Farmers Market
you see on sale the last of the Cheddar in Somerset Strawberries
you buy some,
you bring them home,
you put them in the fridge,
and then
you forget they are there!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Five Years Later............

Five years ago I had a new kitchen - today I have wallpaper on the wall!
When my kitchen is finally finished I will show more pictures.........
BUT don't hold your breath - the hall came to a
grinding HALT - we didn't like the colour of the PAINT!

Monday 6 October 2008


Five Pincushions are made in felt.
Four with embroidery
the blue Pincushion bottom right
has patchwork material samples
machined to the felt.

Sunday 5 October 2008

Swiss Biscuits!

They were meant to be Swiss Tarts

but I found I didn't have any cake cases!

For the Swiss Tarts recipe go to

where you will find lots of recipes

and lots of interesting reading plus hints and tips.

Saturday 4 October 2008

Just waiting...........

Neighbours' cat just sitting on a very very
narrow piece of wood - how do they do that?

Friday 3 October 2008


Stitched on felt using Long and Short Stitch - not very well!
The picture was in a 1950's Needlework magazine.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Autumn is here

with the beautiful reds and browns

Wednesday 1 October 2008